Tuesday, August 2, 2011

daily indulgence

It's part of my ladies who lunch lifestyle.
Sweet Lady Jane in Santa Monica.
Captain's log: day 2. Jk. I meant unemployment log.

Yesterday, I returned my pile of Barbri books for a refund of my deposit. My friend and I went to Urth Caffe and sat around like ladies who lunch (despite the fact that we are terrified about the whole no job thing).

I went to the gym with Steph for the first time in a long time. Then we went to Sweet Rose Creamery right after.

Today, I did a mediation for free. Maybe I wasn't pushy enough? Maybe I just suck at hustling. Lesson learned. This paying it forward thing better work.

Now? To the library to grab some books and apply for a job at the local tanning salon. It's going to be a torturous 3 months until bar results.